BC adopts national LLQP exam policy
Changes effective July 1, 2024
Published January 9, 2024
The Insurance Council of BC and the other
Canadian regulators for insurance intermediaries are adopting a unified national
policy for the administration of the Life Licence Qualification Program (LLQP) examination, required for life and accident & sickness agent licensure. To align with the national approach, the Insurance Council’s adoption of the policy will result in changes to the current waiting period to rewrite the LLQP exam after a number of failed attempts. These changes will come into effect July 1, 2024.
Under the new policy, an examinee may attempt the LLQP exam up to four times without having to wait to take the exam. After a fourth unsuccessful attempt, the examinee must wait one year before being permitted to re-sit the exam. Under the current policy, after a third and fourth unsuccessful exam attempt, an examinee would have to wait three months before retaking the exam, and then a further 6 months for a fifth attempt and all subsequent attempts.
As certification for LLQP prerequisite course completion is only valid for one year, examinees required to wait a year before rewriting the exam under the new policy will also need to re-take the prerequisite LLQP course. The initial exam following a one-year waiting period will be treated as a new attempt.
Examinees who are already on their fourth or more exam attempt when the rule is implemented are permitted to complete their next attempted rewrite under the current wait time policy. After that, the new policy would then apply.
More information about writing the LLQP exams is available on our
website. Should you have questions, please contact our Exams Team at
examinations@insurancecouncilofbc.com or 604-695-2006.