Annual CE and E&O requirements for licence renewal

Published May 15, 2023

Licensees are reminded that they must meet their annual continuing education (CE) requirements by May 31, 2023, and must be covered by Errors & Omissions (E&O) insurance. Council Rule 4(4) requires that licensees meet their CE and E&O insurance requirements before they can renew their licence. Licensees are not required to provide proof of CE records or E&O insurance at the time of renewal but, may be asked to produce records if audited.

Continuing education supports competent practice, and Insurance Council Rule 7(5) requires licensees to complete a specific amount of CE credits by May 31 annually based on their licence class. To understand the guidelines for your licence and to ensure you are meeting your CE requirements, please view the CE Requirements page and see the CE Guidelines for your licence class. 

Although licensees are not required to provide their CE records at renewal, licensees are required to keep records of completed CE for five licence periods. Records should indicate proof of course attendance or completion as issued by the course provider and would include the licensee’s full name, the course name and description, the date of course attendance/completion, the relevant course content and the number of eligible continuing education credits granted.

To learn more about the continuing education requirements please visit the CE Requirements page of our website. To learn more about the Insurance Council’s CE Accreditation Program and to check to see if a course or course provider is accredited by the Insurance Council visit here.

All licensees must maintain and be covered by E&O insurance. Council Rule 7(11) requires all licensees to maintain or be covered by E&O insurance that includes minimum coverage of $1,000,000 per claim and $2,000,000 in the aggregate that extends to all insurance activities. Insurance Council Notices ICN-07-007 Errors and Omissions Advisory and ICN-15-006 Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance provide guidance and expectations. More on E&O insurance can be found here.