May 31 deadline reminder for CE requirements and new update to licence renewal
Published February 17, 2023
All licensees are expected to maintain a standard of professional competence by fulfilling a fundamental level of learning every annual licensing period. Each licence class has a set of guidelines with continuing education (CE) and CE credit criteria.
The annual deadline for licensees to complete their CE requirements is May 31, 2023 for the licensing period of June 1, 2022 – May 31, 2023. Travel agency salespersons and employees who meet the licensing exemption requirements have until December 31, 2023 to complete their CE credits. View detailed CE requirements including information for non-BC resident licensees
Updates to Rule 4(4) and changes to licence renewal process
Recently approved
amendments to Council Rule 4(4) require licensees to have met their CE and E&O requirements before they can renew their licence. Annual licence renewal is available starting March 31; however, licensees can only renew after they have met their CE and E&O requirements.
The deadline for licence renewal is June 1 and renewals after this date will be subject to a late fee without exception. Therefore, licensees are encouraged to complete their CE credits well ahead of the May 31 CE deadline in order to renew their licence early and avoid late fees. Licensees who renew their licence past the deadline and do not meet their CE requirements by May 31 may be investigated further and may result in discipline.
Automatic licence cancellation occurs when renewal is incomplete after August 1, 2023. Licensees will have to reapply for licensure and these reapplications may take longer to review for those licensees who have not met their CE or E&O requirements by the May 31 deadline.
Licensees with extenuating circumstances, such as unforeseen medical conditions or significant family circumstances, who are not working or are on leave may contact the
Practice and Quality and Assurance team early to ensure there is enough time to review your situation and consider next steps to avoid lapses in licensure/cancellation.
CE Resources