LLQP Exams Resume in Vancouver and Victoria
Life Licence Qualification Program (LLQP) exams resumed in our Vancouver location in early June, and registrations are now also being accepted for exams in Victoria. To keep examinees and exam staff safe, we are following strict physical distancing and other COVID-19 prevention measures.
We are working on the resumption of exams in other locations in BC and will be providing updates regarding new dates and locations on our website; however, at the present time, registration is only being accepted for the Vancouver and Victoria locations.
For more information about how to register for an exam, please visit our COVID-19 Update page.
Find Practice Advisories and Guidance by Topic
Changes and updates to regulatory and legislative requirements or responses to industry trends are communicated to licensees through practice advisories known as Notices published by the Insurance Council. Licensees are responsible for staying informed about the content of these notices as they relate to their practice requirements.
We've recently updated the Notices section of our website to make it easier to find notices related by subject matter. Filter by topic to pull up relevant notices, such as those related to vehicle insurance, confidentiality, or exempt market securities, etc.
Notices are available on our website at insurancecouncilofbc.com/notices.
New Program Will Work with Licensees to Identify Practice Issues Before They Occur
As a part of our recently launched Strategic Plan, the Insurance Council is developing regulatory programs that will proactively enhance public protection and licensee support. This fall, we will be introducing our Practice Audit Program.
The new program will work directly with licensees to identify and address potential issues before complaints are received, providing feedback and practice guidance to licensees so that they can ensure they are meeting their requirements under the Insurance Council’s Rules and Code of Conduct.
As a part of its regulatory functions, the Insurance Council carries out inspections and investigations when there are concerns that a licensee may have failed to meet their professional requirements. However, at this point, a breach or client harm may have already occurred, leading to discipline. While these programs serve an important function, these are reactive measures. By working together with licensees to prevent non-compliances before they occur, through support and education, the Insurance Council is aiming to enhance overall public protection and increase licensee awareness of their professional requirements.
Under the new program, practice audits will be initiated by the Insurance Council through audit requests communicated in advance to licensees. Audits will be selected based on areas of risk identified annually, as well as on a random basis, or on a licensee's own request.
More detailed information about the Practice Audit Program will be made available on our website shortly, and in the August What’s New email.
Sending Licensing or Other Documents to the Insurance Council
While the Insurance Council’s building remains closed to public access, we have resumed receiving courier deliveries. However, submitting documents electronically is still the preferred option, as our building is not easily accessible at this time. If you are sending documents via courier, please ensure that your shipping company understands that the courier will need to phone the Insurance Council office upon arrival and a staff member will meet them to accept the delivery. At this time, we are able to accept deliveries between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
Appointments to Council
We are please to announce recent appointments to the Insurance Council of BC:
- Anne Barnes (General Insurance Company - Chubb Insurance Company)
- Gina Bennett (General Insurance Agent - Markel Canada Limited)
The following Council members have been re-appointed:
- Peter Jong (Life Company - Desjardins Financial Security)
- Shelly Maurer (General Insurance Agent - Westland Insurance Group)
- Barbara Price (Lay person)
- Donna Thorne (Life company - BMO Insurance Company of Canada)
- Valerie Weston (Adjuster - Barnescraig and Associates)
- Claire Wang (Lay person)
- Jeny Yeung (Life Company - SSQ Insurance)
See more information about the members of Council.